
Commercial Food Services

Creating food requires sharp blades, whether you are feeding a plethora of students or processing large quantities of food for resale. Chopping, trimming, slicing and filleting all require quality knives and blades that make it more efficient to prepare large quantities of food in commercial kitchens. Sharpening commercial kitchen knives and other blades is crucial to ensure staff can perform their jobs safely and effectively.

Sharpening Center works with schools and other commercial food service facilities throughout the Twin Cities to routinely perform professional knife sharpening services. Our expertise ensures our clients maintain the sharpest edges for their knives and kitchen tools, which improves efficiency and safety within their facilities. We have customized knife-sharpening equipment that can create the best edges for your commercial kitchen blades at our facility in Hopkins, MN.

Commercial Food Services Case Study


Food service managers in supermarkets, universities, bakeries, school districts and other commercial food services are responsible for maintaining efficient and safe kitchens for their staff. Dull blades can pose a risk for their employees – it makes it difficult to perform their job and increases the chance of cuts and repetitive movement injuries. Dull blades on knives and other commercial kitchen tools can slow production, making it challenging to meet production goals.


Routine blade sharpening completed by a professional sharpening service like Sharpening Center is the solution for commercial food services with dull blades. Our company has been sharpening knives and culinary blades for commercial kitchens for decades. We have traveled worldwide to meet with top blade manufacturers to create the best methods for achieving the sharpest edges on professional knives and blades.


Sharpened knives and commercial kitchen blades can improve your commercial kitchen’s efficiency and safety. When your commercial kitchen blades are maintained with a sharp edge, it makes it easier for your employees to perform their jobs and meet production requirements. At Sharpening Center, we are your source for local professional knife sharpening in Minneapolis, MN.

What Happens with Neglect?

Knives and blades in commercial food service facilities are vital tools that need to be maintained. Professional blade sharpening can ensure these tools are ready to perform to meet high productivity and safety standards. Neglected blades can result in injuries, slower production, and poor quality, as well as reducing the lifespan of knives and other blades. Whether you need a dozen or hundreds of blades sharpened, you can trust Sharpening Center for all your commercial food service blade sharpening needs in the Twin Cities metro area.

For your blade sharpening or repair needs, contact The Sharpening Center! Drop off in person or mail in your order today!