
Medical Manufacturers / Assembly

Blades used in medical manufacturing play a critical role in the production of various medical devices and equipment. These precision instruments are used to cut, shape, and process materials such as metals, plastics, and other substances, ensuring the fabrication of high-quality medical components such as stents, pacemakers, cutting wires, tubing and other medical devices. Keeping these blades sharpened requires customized sharpening tools and techniques for optimum edges.

Sharpening Center works with many medical manufacturers to achieve ideal edges for their specialized cutting tools needed for production. Every blade is sharpened by hand with our customized, state-of-the-art sharpening equipment, creating precision edges on all types of manufacturing blades used in the medical industry. This includes tweezers, assembly tools and specialized instruments that require customized blade sharpening.

Medical Manufacturers / Assembly Case Study


Cutting tools for the production of medical devices are customized to complete specific tasks. When blades are dull, expensive mistakes can occur, impacting productivity and the final product. Since these blades are custom-made, they require specialized care to refine the edge to exact specifications. To keep production lines moving, medical manufacturers need customized sharpening services to maintain their cutting instruments.


Sharpening Center has worked with top medical manufacturers to hone edges on all types of medical production blades. Our decades of experience and advanced sharpening tools are utilized to create precise edges to meet the exact specifications of custom assembly cutting tools. We ensure each component has a precision blade that will improve productivity and the quality of the end product.


Medical manufacturers requiring specialized cutting and assembly tools can benefit from custom sharpening services for their equipment. When cutting tools are maintained with the ideal edges, productivity and quality improve, increasing profits and impacting their bottom line. Sharper blades can also reduce wear on the manufacturing equipment, keeping downtime to a minimum.

What Happens with Neglect?

Medical manufacturing requires meeting exact quality control standards to create medical devices that can save lives. Neglected blades used for medical manufacturing can slow production and affect the quality of the products produced. Sharpening Center is your source for customized sharpening for specialized tools, tweezers, instruments, specialty blades and other cutting tools used for medical device production.

For your blade sharpening or repair needs, contact The Sharpening Center! Drop off in person or mail in your order today!